February 23, 2025

Lots Of Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Battle Royale Details Leak For Warzone Mode by

Lots Of Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare Battle Royale Details Leak For Warzone Mode –

Details about Call of Duty: Modern Warfare‘s rumored battle royale mode, Warzone, continue to leak. The latest details come from the Twitter user @CaptainBadfoot who claims they were randomly tossed into the Warzone lobby where the “training” mode is available alongside new menus that reveal some of what to expect from the mode.

A video from the training mode shows that Warzone will reportedly include a version of the “ping” system that Apex Legends popularized, and Fortnite later added. The Twitter user also found screens that shows there will be a “Trios” variant where three people play together as they fight to be the last team standing. Warzone will also reportedly feature solo, doubles, and quads.

He also posted an image of a screen that shows the vehicles that will be available in Warzone, which include ATVs, SUVs, helicopters, cargo trucks, and tactical rovers.

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This story was originally featured at https://www.gamespot.com/articles/lots-of-call-of-duty-modern-warfare-battle-royale-/1100-6473733/?ftag=CAD-01-10abi2f

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