February 25, 2025

The Mudmen of Papua New Guinea

New Techniques in 3D Printing

This is a pretty cool video! How do people come up with this stuff?

3D printing revolutionised by rapid liquid printing from Damnthatsinteresting

Daily Photo – The Mudmen of Papua New Guinea

I should really go back to PNG! I only spent a very small amount of time there, but I got so many interesting photos. I can’t say there is any place like it anywhere else in the world. The tribes and all their crazy costumes made it feel a lot like Burning Man. Well, a Burning Man where they will cut off your head instead of give you a hug… so I guess it’s a BIT different.

The Mudmen of Papua New Guinea

Photo Information

  • Date Taken2015-10-13 13:22:38
  • CameraILCE-7R
  • Camera MakeSony
  • Exposure Time1/3200
  • Aperture
  • ISO200
  • Focal Length
  • FlashOff, Did not fire
  • Exposure ProgramManual
  • Exposure Bias-1

This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/2tReWcQ on February 11, 2020 at 08:08AM by Stu Davidson

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