January 9, 2025

Free Stuff 2020 by Dave Blount

Free Stuff 2020 –

Presidential elections seem to be contests to see who can promise the most free stuff (i.e., goodies financed by someone else on a coercive basis). We shouldn’t have to wait for November to see who comes out on top. John Stossel can determine a provisional winner right now:

Congrats to the winner, the most irresponsible demagogue in America.

No matter who wins the election, extravagant spending will continue to hurtle out of control. If it’s a Democrat, the spending will go into overdrive even as the return of Obama-style hyperregulation cripples the economy.

How would we pay for it? We wouldn’t, because we couldn’t. The national debt is already over $23,000,000,000,000.00 and rocketing upward.

The apparent plan for some Democrats is to spend the economy into a collapse that can be exploited to advance socialism the way FDR exploited the Great Depression and Obama exploited the Great Recession, both of which were unnecessarily worsened and extended as a result of these efforts.

The post Free Stuff 2020 appeared first on Moonbattery.

This information appeared first at https://moonbattery.com/free-stuff-2020/

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