February 23, 2025

Apex Legends Season 4 Makes Bloodhound Into A Much Scarier Hunter by

Apex Legends Season 4 Makes Bloodhound Into A Much Scarier Hunter –

Season 4: Assimilation adds Revenant as a new playable character in Apex Legends, and the synthetic nightmare even gives Caustic a run for his money when it comes to creepy one-liners (though it’s cute that Caustic is the only one who doesn’t bully him). But Revenant isn’t the only scary change to Apex Legends; Bloodhound‘s new buff has transformed them into a terrifying hunter.

In Season 4, two legends got new buffs: Crypto and Bloodhound. Crypto can no longer destroy friendly Gibraltar Dome Shields with his EMP, giving the recon legend the chance to safely use his ultimate ability while teaming up with the friendly giant. Honestly, it’s only an okay change–the buffs to Crypto in late Season 3 seem a lot better.

Bloodhound, on the other hand, got a great buff. Bloodhound’s ultimate ability, Beast of the Hunt, allows them to easily track enemies to wherever they’re hiding by marking the path someone took while moving around the map. Originally, the ability only lasted a little over half a minute. Now, Beast of the Hunt can be extended by five seconds for every target that Bloodhound downs.

Note that this effect only requires you down an enemy–you don’t actually have to kill them in order to lengthen Beast of the Hunt. So if you manage to down the two members of a squad and then defeat a third enemy from another, netting you an extra 15 seconds of Beast of the Hunt, you could possibly have enough time to track down and finish off that second team.

Beast of the Hunt is already a terrifying ability. Bloodhound elicits a monstrous roar when it activates and there’s no way to really counter the skill other than finding a way to run away without touching anything (fly through the air on an Octane Jump Pad, for instance, or disappear Into the Void with Wraith). And now the hunter can extend the duration of their hunt just by using it for its intended purpose: taking targets out. Imagine trying to run from a Bloodhound, knowing that as your teammates fall behind you, their sacrifice is only extending the chance that your foe will have enough time to ultimately hunt you down.

This story was originally featured at https://www.gamespot.com/articles/apex-legends-season-4-makes-bloodhound-into-a-much/1100-6473390/

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