February 23, 2025

New Apex Legends Season 4 Trailer Shows Off Revenant, Map Changes, And More by

New Apex Legends Season 4 Trailer Shows Off Revenant, Map Changes, And More –

Respawn has released the launch trailer for Season 4: Assimilation, the new season for Apex Legends. The trailer showcases Revenant’s new abilities in action, as well as World’s Edge map changes and the new Sentinel sniper rifle. The new trailer is embedded below.

Revenant’s abilities still aren’t known, though many of the skills he displays in the trailer look to support what dataminers have been saying about him for a while. Again, there’s no confirmation, but Revenant’s passive seems to be a faster and longer climb, his tactical is similar to Titanfall 2’s gravity star grenade (stunning targets and holding them in place, and his ultimate is a totem that allows players to live again after being killed. Regardless of what his skills actually are, however, they seem to add a wonderfully morbid option to Apex Legends.

This story is developing.

This story was originally featured at https://www.gamespot.com/articles/new-apex-legends-season-4-trailer-shows-off-revena/1100-6473318/

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