January 9, 2025

Could you make a living space ship using these 2 technologies combined? by /u/Memetic1

Could you make a living space ship using these 2 technologies combined? –

Ok so here is how we can make graphene in bulk. This is a very cost effective way to do so.

https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-020-1938-0 We would then mix that graphene into the mixture of sand / algea and gelatin https://www.cell.com/matter/fulltext/S2590-2385(19)30391-1

Apparently gelatin is strengthened by adding graphene to it. https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2011/sm/c1sm05321c#!divAbstract

We could mine the moon for the sand bit, and get co2 from Venus in the process making it easier to terraform Venus. So really in order to make more of this stuff you just need something equivalent to Gelatin that can be manufactured on site. Thus you could grow space ships in space. The walls would naturally pull the co2 from the air, and use that to heal any damage. These bricks can also be engineered to do stuff like glow when they are damaged for easy repair. Patching damage would be as easy as slathering some more on.

So what am I missing are living space ships / houses / roads not possible for some reason that I’m not seeing? Would the radiation from space accelerate algea ability to adapt to space conditions?

submitted by /u/Memetic1
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This information appeared first at https://www.reddit.com/r/Futurology/comments/evungo/could_you_make_a_living_space_ship_using_these_2/

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