Apex Legends Season 4 Introduces New Legend Forge –
Apex Legends’ Season 4 will begin on February 4, 2020, and with it comes a brand new charismatic Legend named Forge.
This newest season is titled Assimilation and also arrives with a new Battle Pass, a new bolt-action sniper rifle with a charge mechanic called the Sentinel, and changes to Ranked mode.
Furthermore, February 4 marks the one-year anniversary since Apex Legends was released, and free login gifts will be given to players, including gun charms and a specific badge depending on how long you have been playing Respawn’s battle royale.
While we know what Forge looks like, there was no footage yet revealed of this new Legend who is “confident yet humble,…” and “uses his size, strength, and heavy-duty Shatter Gauntlets to batter his opponents into submission.”
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It was also revealed that Forge is a 5-time Hyperfighting Federation Champion and is the first corporate-sponsored Legend. His sponsor? Hammond Robotics.
If that name sounds familiar, it’s because it is one of the major corporations from Titanfall that was allied with the IMC and produced a ton of war material for its cause.
The team at Respawn also hinted that Hammond Robotics may be the cause for some big map changes in Season 4 for World’s Edge.
Ranked mode is also getting an update with Ranked Series 3, and the biggest change is that the current Apex Predator Tier will now be Master Tier. This tier will be earned by any players who earn over 10,000 RP. To achieve the Apex Predator Tier, players must be one of the top 500 players per platform with the most RP.
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There will also be two parts of Ranked Series 3. The first Split will take place on World’s Edge and will run from February 3 – March 23. The second Split will run from March 24 – May 5 and will see the return of the Kings Canyon map.
Rewards will be earned based on the highest rank achieved from either Split. If players earn the same rank on both, they will also unlock an animated version of the Rank Badge.
More details on Forge and Season 4 will be released in the future. Until then, check out why we called Apex Legends the Best Shooter of 2019 and take a look at an Apex Legends player who wanted to play so bad he took over and Airport TV to do so.
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Adam Bankhurst is a news writer for IGN who can’t wait and is so excited he just can’t hide it. You can follow him on Twitter @AdamBankhurst and on Twitch.
This story was originally featured at https://www.ign.com/articles/apex-legends-season-4-introduces-new-legend-forge
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