February 24, 2025

Dyna-Heat v4 1120 Pelican Case Induction Heater


I’m a lefty so if it looks backwards, thats why.

This is the culmination of countless hours modeling, printing, modifying, redoing everything, and probably even a few tears.

You’ll need a 3d printer or access to one, a soldering iron and associated solder, flux. You’ll also need 14 gauge wire.

Introducing the Dyna-Heat! A crushproof, watertight, and ready for whatever you throw at it. Unless you’re throwing something that can break a pelican case.

Powered by 3 18650 batteries, this induction heater is ready for your next overnight trip, a camping weekend, or just laying on the couch.

I wanted to stick with a 70’s aesthetic for this, similar to the Dyna Trash I made late last year. I took inspiration from the IMB logo that they introduced in 1972.

I’m collecting the full BOM and cost breakdown as well as uploading the 3d printed files for anyone to freely use.

Bill of Materials:

(No affiliate links used)

Item Quantity link Price (USD)
Pelican 1120 1 Link $32
IH Module 1 Link $13
Momentary power switch 1 Link $9
Mosfet 1 Link $7
Normally Closed switch 1 Link $8
Glass Slide 1 Link $4
Volt Meter 1 Link $11
LEDs 1 Link $9
Battery case 1 Link $8
BMS Battery saver 3 (1 each) Link $15 ($5/each)
PETG filament (B/W) 2 (1 each) White Black $44 ($21-23/each)
_ _ Total $160

This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/2v8FBlv on January 22, 2020 at 10:21AM by PM_ME_YOUR_VALUE

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