December 28, 2024

This Star Wars Video Explores the Dark Fortress of Darth Vader’s Inquisitors by Julie Muncy on io9, shared by Julie Muncy to Gizmodo

This Star Wars Video Explores the Dark Fortress of Darth Vader’s Inquisitors –kctd0cochlyvdehpjeel.png

The Inquisitors are some of the most dangerous characters existing in the current Star Wars canon. Trained Force-using killers, serving Darth Vader and hunting down the remaining Jedi and any other Force-sensitives they can find. In keeping with their reputation, the Inquisitors have a terrifying fortress: the…

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This information appeared first at https://io9.gizmodo.com/this-star-wars-video-explores-the-dark-fortress-of-dart-1841084291

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