January 6, 2025

Fatphobia Is Thoughtcrime by Dave Blount

Fatphobia Is Thoughtcrime –

Cultural Marxism requires that ever more “marginalized” groups must be discovered or created to be arrayed against the shrinking minority of normal people. Even people who are overweight now qualify as aggrieved. Consequently, Jillian Michaels of the weight loss TV show The Biggest Loser is a thought criminal for failing to celebrate the body positivity of an obese exhibitionist named Lizzo.

Lest you too fall into thoughtcrime, be mindful that exerting the effort to keep yourself fit makes you guilty of “thin privilege.” According to liberal ideology, achieving anything through effort or discipline is wrong, because it undermines equity and leads to privilege. You can only deserve what the government has forcibly confiscated from someone else and bestowed upon you in honor of your status as a victim.

Now that the obese have joined the exalted ranks of the marginalized, normal chairs are regarded as a microaggression against them. As we draw closer to utopia, such chairs will be phased out, along with physical fitness and everything else liberal social engineers regard as problematic.

Mark Dice sounds the alarm on fatphobic thoughtcrime:

On tips from Kate P and KirklesWorth.

The post Fatphobia Is Thoughtcrime appeared first on Moonbattery.

This information appeared first at https://moonbattery.com/fatphobia-is-thoughtcrime/

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