January 11, 2025

Lower Fornt Bumper Mount Traxxas 1/16 E Revo


I design this 3D printed component that I called Lower Front Bumper Mount

Traxxas 1/16 E Revo. So I designed this 3D component to replace another

3D component that I designed back in 2016 that I call Traxxas Mod Fornt

Bumper Mount for the 1/16 summit bumper back in 2016. So I designed this

new version of this Mount to address a design flaw with the original one

that I uploaded on thingiverse back in 2016. At that time I did not have

a 3D printer of my own and I had to use a 3D printing service at One of

my local hobby shops at that time now out of business. My skills with

CAD software was not that good at the time so I had to make do with what

I had at the time since I now have a 3D printer of my own and my skills

with cad software has improved so I decided to go back and we design

this 3D printed component to replace the one that I’ve uploaded back

in 2016. And this new design should address the issue, as some of you

have noticed. If you wish to download this file depending upon your

3D printer that you have and your skill level with a 3D printer set

your 3D printer accordingly, and from there all you will need is a

Dremel power tool or something similar to it, you will also need some

sandpaper the sand out some of the rough edges and then the photo

should give you an idea how to put it together and what should it

look like after it’s assembled. So enjoy.

This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/35gBkZX on December 30, 2019 at 11:23PM by luisfjdesigner3d

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