March 12, 2025

10 Intriguing Star Wars Details We Learned From The Rise of Skywalker’s Visual Dictionary by James Whitbrook on io9, shared by Andrew Couts to Gizmodo

10 Intriguing Star Wars Details We Learned From The Rise of Skywalker’s Visual Dictionary –va2rb1tbcgduxbudph6n.png

A new Star Wars movie is out, and for better or worse, that always means there’s also a host of new tie-in material released which can explain or clarify some questions left lingering after the credits rolled. The Rise of Skywalker is no exception, and its own “Visual Dictionary” guidebook is jam-packed with little…

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This information appeard first at https://io9.gizmodo.com/10-intriguing-star-wars-details-we-learned-from-the-ris-1840618856

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