Christmas Present for all “crazy” Printers (ca. 5 kg Print) incl. MAGNET VERSIONS !!!
Testfitting the parts is running with no problems, nothing glued for the pictures.
Only Side Waist Cannon and Body are glued.
The Shields for the feet slide like a dream in place in each of the four
directions. All the Body and Leg Parts are holding by gravity for the picture. 🙂
This Version is bigger (4 Legs instead of 2 Legs) than all other TItans here on Thingiverse.
Working now for about 1 Month on the project and still printing.
Till now i used about 5,5 kg of PLA, 150 ml Primer and a lot of hours.
Removing the support material can be a pain with that amount of parts.
The parts are placed in the best direction depending on following points:
- Stability and durability. This Titan must be
- Visible side upwards for nice facesite
- Not visible side is the print side
- The complete model is build as a kit with press fit joints to connect the
main sections (with/without) magnets for better transport:
Head, Body, Waist, Thick, Leg & Feet, Arm Weapons, Rocketpack/Rockets - Shoulder weapons couldn´t be rotated without Shoulder extension. So i
made the shoulder expansion which allows you to rotate the gun and added
another gun version for the shoulder.
Overview of Versions:
- 3 Types of Body
- Rocket pack for the back of the Titan with removable rockets
- 3 Types of Body extensions
- Arm Weapons: 32x Front and 6x Backparts (Modular System)
- 2 Types of waist parts
- 6 Types of thigh parts
- Middle Leg (Created cause the original has only thigh and foot part)
- 6 Types of feet
I have finished almost all of the documentation, but i made it in pictures.
Think this is better and faster for you to get an overview of different
possibilitys. Also made some good construction pictures for you, and here
you have some M3 Screws and MAGNET Outcut versions.
The used Magnets are 25 x 5 mm (12-20 kg Force), Ebay around 3€/Piece.
Cause of christmas, my wishes from all the creative people here:
- Another thigh armor (i just sliced it together, wanted 1 complete shield piece around)
- Another version of Front weapon designs
- Another version of Heads with/without Outcut for 25 x 5 mm magnet
- Another version of the warheads of the rockets (detachable)
- Maybe another design with demon signs?
My possibilitys are very limited in Microsoft 3D Builder, but i can hack/slice/resize
all stuff new together.
Merry christmas for all of you, and massiv respect for the Grafik & 3D Professionals.
Now i understand, how much time and brain goes in such a project.
This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/2EJRErf on December 23, 2019 at 06:39PM by Markusx26
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