March 18, 2025

Holy Smokes: A Video Highlighting Every Sample On The Beastie Boys’ ‘Paul’s Boutique’ And Where It Came From by

Holy Smokes: A Video Highlighting Every Sample On The Beastie Boys’ ‘Paul’s Boutique’ And Where It Came From –beastie-boys-pauls-boutique-all-samples.jpg

This is a video created Polish editor nama hecc, who isolated and identified every sample used on the Beastie Boys’ 1989 album ‘Paul’s Boutique’ (The best in men’s clothing, Call Paul’s Boutique, ask for Janice, The number is 718-498 ten forty-three. That’s Paul’s Boutique, and they’re in Brooklyn) and added the original artist’s album artwork and a brief portion of the song that leads into the Beastie Boys’ sample where it appears on Paul’s Boutique. It was a real eye opener. Or, should I say, ear opener. “You shouldn’t say anything, you should just go back into your hole.” *raising clawed hand* THE MOLE PEOPLE WILL RISE AGAIN.

Keep going for the video while I listen to Paul’s Boutique for the rest of the day.

Thanks to Dip, who agrees thank God there are people out there doing things like this so we don’t have to.

This information appeard first at https://geekologie.com/2019/12/holy-smokes-a-video-detailing-every-samp.php

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