// esp32cam-enc.scad
// A pan/tilt mounting box for esp32-cam crafted in openscad for
// a very cool wireless esp32 video/still camera board that only costs around $5.
// The enclosure can be printed for about $0.60 in filament.
// The camera board and lens are held securely in a recess in the top case and
// are secured when the bottom half is pressed on.
// The lens is recessed to help eliminate glare and maybe prevent some lens damage.
// This version has no hole for the power cord as you may want to use everything from
// a USB connector, a 2.1mm dc socket or a hardwired cable to provide 5V
// to the board. A hole would be easy to add in the “module bottom()”.
// by L Glaister VE7IT 17 Dec 2019
// If you use the sd card slot, you may want to enable supports for printing
// to get a cleaner slot. (slot needs to be enabled in “module camera()”)
// an additional slot would have to be added to “module bottom()” if you want access
// to the card from outside the enclosure. I did not add this as the camera is
// just used to stream video/stills to a recording server running zone minder.
// I was more worried about keeping the weather and bugs out of the camera enclosure.
// The enclosure is not waterproof, but should survive if keep out of the direct rain.
// I will mount mine under the eaves in 3 places to monitor the yard around the house.
// The enclosure was keep small and compact to make it less conspicuous. Printing
// in a color that matches you soffits will help it blend in.
// All 3 parts needed for the case print nicely together on a small 3d printer.
This article was first featured at https://ift.tt/2Q3NCiz on December 20, 2019 at 02:24AM by ve7it
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