December 28, 2024

Apex Legends IS getting a hot new map tomorrow


Hang on, stop reading, give me a minute to wipe all this egg off my face. Last week I dismissed a conspiracy theory about Apex Legends getting a new map. Tomorrow, that is in fact happening. I am overjoyed. Just let me remove this last bit of yolk.

We already knew Season 3 was due to kick off on Tuesday, but it wasn’t until Saturday that developers Respawn dropped the cinematic trailer for World’s Edge. It’s all ice and fire and high speed trains, and I am legitimately excited. EA Korea have gone and leaked the gameplay trailer too, so we can look directly at the new geezer and geysers. He has a drone.


RockPaperShotgun?d=nQ_hWtDbxek RockPaperShotgun?d=yIl2AUoC8zA

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