via Daily Wire
Day: July 31, 2019
An Answer to Father Coughlin's Critics (Royal Oak, MI: Radio League of the Little Flower, 1940), by Father Coughlin's Friends...
Henry Ford vs. the American Jew (Rochester, NY: Jewish Pub. Co., c1921.), by Abraham. Silverstein (multiple formats at from...
The Evil Religion Does (Boston: The Liberty Press, 1927), by Morrison I. Swift (stable link) from New Online Books
The Anabasis of Xenophon: Chiefly According to the Text of L. Dindorf, With Notes for the Use of Schools and...
The Columbian Repository of Sacred Harmony (Exeter, NH: Press of H. Ranlet, ca. 1802), ed. by Samuel Holyoke (multiple formats...
New England Harmony: Containing a Variety of Psalm Tunes, in Three and Four Parts, Adapted to all Metres; Also, a...
Papers Read at the Meeting of Grand Dragons, Knights of the Ku Klux Klan, at Their First Annual Meeting Held...
The Secret World Government, or, "The Hidden Hand": The Unrevealed in History; 100 Historical "Mysteries" Explained (New York: Anti-Bolshevist Publishing...
Songs in the Night, by a Young Woman Under Heavy Afflictions (first American edition, from the fourth London edition, with...
Talks on Sound Government (Wichita, KS: Defender Publishers, c1938), by Gerald B. Winrod (page images at HathiTrust) from New Online...
American Institutions and Their Preservation (New York, c1927), by William W. Cook (page images at HathiTrust) from New Online Books...
Freedom of the Press in the German Republic, 1918-1933 (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, c1955), by Peter J. Fliess...
Tell el Amarna and the Bible (Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Book House, 1963), by Charles F. Pfeiffer (page images at...
A State Currency System: To Hell with Wall Street (Fort Worth, TX: G. W. Armstrong, c1932), by George Washington Armstrong...
Communism and the Roosevelt Brain Trust (Wichita: Defender Publishers, c1933), by Gerald B. Winrod (page images at HathiTrust; US access...
via Daily Wire
New Jersey Company and Its President Found in Contempt of Court After Failing to Pay $412,000 in Penalties for OSHA...