via Daily Wire
Day: July 25, 2019
The Aryans and Mongrelized America: The Remedy (Philadelphia: Eagle Printing House, c1912), by Junius Aryan (stable link) from New Online...
A History of the Modern Jews: or, Annals of the Hebrew Race, From the Destruction of Jerusalem to the Present...
The New Jerusalem (New York: G. H. Doran Co., c1921), by G. K. Chesterton (stable link) from New Online Books...
The Jews (Boston and New York: Houghton Mifflin Co., c1922), by Hilaire Belloc (stable link) from New Online Books
The Temples of the Jews, and the Other Buildings in the Haram Area at Jerusalem (London: J. Murray, 1878), by...
Mythiske Bytosće Łužiskich Serbow (in Sorbian; Bautzen: Z Nakładom M. Hórnika a dra. E. Muki, 1898), by Adolf Černý (stable...
A History of the Modern Jews: or, Annals of the Hebrew Race, From the Destruction of Jerusalem to the Present...
Her Object in Life (published under "Edward Garrett" pseudonym; New York: Dodd, Mead and Co., n.d.), by Isabella Fyvie Mayo...
North Carolina Land Grants in Tennessee, 1778-1791 (1958), by Lillian Johnson Gardiner, ed. by Betty Goff Cook Cartwright (page images...
Vassar Mediaeval Studies, by Members of the Faculty of Vassar College (New Haven et al.: Yale University Press, 1923), ed....
Franklin D. Roosevelt's Colonial Ancestors: Their Part in the Making of American History (Boston: Lothrop, Lee, and Shepard Co., 1933),...
Polynesian Analogues to the Celtic Other-World and Fairy Mistress Themes (extract from Vassar Mediaeval Studies; New Haven: Yale University Press,...
Old Stories and Sayings of Great Britain and Ireland (London: C. W. Daniel, ca. 1911), ed. by Isabella Fyvie Mayo...
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