March 12, 2025

These designers want to hide a cryptocurrency mining farm in a skyscraper water park – Matthew Beedham

These designers want to hide a cryptocurrency mining farm in a skyscraper water park – cryptocurrency-mining-water-park-blockch
The cryptocurrency and blockchain industry has thrown out its fair share of zany ideas over the last few years. But a group of designers is taking wild blockchain concepts to new heights with their plans for a cryptocurrency mining facility hidden in a skyscraper water park in Tehran, Iran. Yeah, I don’t know where to start either. But let’s try. The plans show a cryptocurrency mining farm, swimming pools, shopping mall, food court, and a spa all wrapped around each other, blurring the lines between form and true function. The idea is to create an off-grid, glass-encased water park that…

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– June 3, 2019 at 07:09AM

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