The Physiologist: or, Sexual Physiology Revealed (translated from the fourth Paris edition; Boston: Printed for the translator, 1845), by Eugène...
Day: October 29, 2018
Three Books of Occult Philosophy or Magic, by the Famous Mystic Henry Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim, Counselor to Charles the...
Sacred Hands: An Exhibit Catalog of Manuscripts with Texts of the Three Abrahamic Faiths (Ann Arbor: Special Collections Library, University...
Maurice Sugar: Law, Labor, and the Left in Detroit, 1912-1950 (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1988), by Christopher H. Johnson...
John Jacob Astor: Business and Finance in the Early Republic (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, c1991), by John D. Haeger...
Jewish Poland: Legends of Origin; Ethnopoetics and Legendary Chronicles (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, c2001), by Hayah Bar-Yitshak, trans. by...
Jewish Immigrant Associations and American Identity in New York, 1880-1939: Jewish Landsmanshaftn in American Culture (Detroit: Wayne State University Press,...
Jewish Buenos Aires, 1890-1930: In Search of an Identity (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1990), by Víctor A. Mirelman (multiple...
Medieval Jewish Seals from Europe (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, c1987), by Daniel M. Friedenberg (multiple formats with commentary at...
Marketing Identities: The Invention of Jewish Ethnicity in Ost und West (Detroit: Wayne State University Press, c1998), by David A....
Debating Humanity: Towards a Philosophical Sociology (Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press, 2017), by Daniel Chernilo (PDF and HTML with commentary...
Trademark and Unfair Competition Conflicts: Historical-Comparative, Doctrinal, and Economic Perspectives (Cambridge, UK et al: Cambridge University Press, 2017), by Tim...
British Women Surgeons and their Patients, 1860–1918 (Cambridge, UK et al.: Cambridge University Press, 2017), by Claire Brock (PDF and...
Manuscript Studies: A Journal of the Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies (issues free to access 1 year after publication; 2016-)...
Funding Opportunity ID: 308248Opportunity Number: RFA-IP-19-001Opportunity Title:Surveillance for Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) and Other Viral Respiratory Infections Among Native Americans/Alaska...
A bool variable in Video function, which gets typecasted to int before being read could result in an out of...