March 21, 2025

Brief of Henry I. Kowalsky, of the New York Bar, Attorney and Counsellor to Leopold II., King of the Belgians and Sovereign of the Independent State of the Congo, in Matters Touching His Rights and Possessions Abroad, in Reply to Memorial Presented to the President of the United States of America Concerning Affairs in the Congo State by the Congo Reform Association, Supported by the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society and the Aborigines’ Protection Society (Kowalsky)

Brief of Henry I. Kowalsky, of the New York Bar, Attorney and Counsellor to Leopold II., King of the Belgians and Sovereign of the Independent State of the Congo, in Matters Touching His Rights and Possessions Abroad, in Reply to Memorial Presented to the President of the United States of America Concerning Affairs in the Congo State by the Congo Reform Association, Supported by the British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society and the Aborigines’ Protection Society (1905), by Henry I. Kowalsky (stable link)

from New Online Books http://ift.tt/2zYM692

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