What Isn’t Telegram Saying About Its Connections To the Kremlin?
Published on September 29, 2017 at 12:48PM
The supposedly secure messaging app Telegram has employees in St. Petersburg in the same building as Kremlin-influenced social network VK, news outlet the Outline reported on Friday citing multiple sources. William Turton, reporting for The Outline: Anton Rozenberg, a software developer and former employee of Telegram’s parent company, is saying that there are Telegram employees working out of the historic Singer House in St. Petersburg, Russia’s former imperial capital, a claim that has since been corroborated by others. That’s significant because the Singer House is also home to VK, which is now owned by the oligarch and Putin ally Alisher Usmanov. (It’s also the building where in 2012 Durov and coworkers infamously folded 5,000 ruble notes, worth about $150 each, into paper airplanes and threw them out the window, sparking violence in the street below.) The revelation casts doubt on Durov, who denies Telegram has an office in Russia, and continues to style himself as a rebel at odds with the complex Russian power structure that includes the government and oligarchy. It also raises questions about how safe Telegram is from Kremlin interference, given that VK is owned by a Kremlin sympathizer and that the Kremlin has an obvious interest in monitoring and controlling popular social networks. “As a security specialist, I have some questions about how their office isn’t physically protected from the offices that surround it,” Rozenberg told The Outline. “VK employees, for a long time, have had access to Telegram offices.”
Read more of this story at Slashdot.
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