February 7, 2025

Slashdot: The Problem, Really, is This Thing Called ‘Disruption’

The Problem, Really, is This Thing Called ‘Disruption’
Published on September 22, 2017 at 09:23AM
New submitter mirandakatz writes: The word “disruption” is everywhere in tech — and it’s getting founders in trouble. Just look at what happened with Bodega last week: Had the startup not professed to be disrupting the mom-and-pop shops on every corner, it might not have landed itself in such hot water. At Backchannel, veteran Silicon Valley communications whiz Karen Wickre makes the case against “disruption,” pointing out that many of today’s biggest companies got their starts without claiming to completely upend an existing industry. She writes: “What if Sergey and Larry had touted Google, in 1998, as ‘an unprecedented platform for disrupting global advertising?’ Do you think Jeff Bezos claimed that Amazon.com was upending global retail? Netflix? Within a few months of its 1997 launch, it did not foresee the actual paradigm shift of media streaming.”

Read more of this story at Slashdot.

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