New trending GIF tagged funny, fail, fall, afv, limbo via Giphy
Day: November 13, 2015
Strava satellite maps Strava athletes can now see their outdoor activities on satellite maps with beautiful, high-resolution imagery, OpenStreetMap data,...
T-Mobile Binge On will let you stream everything from Netflix to Hulu without eating up your data cap, but it has some Net Neutrality advocates...
What’s that saying — time flies when you’re playing video games? Something like that. As it’s November already, we’re swiftly...
Kia has long identified as a “challenger brand,” a perpetual underdog that aims to entice mainstream buyers with quirky marketing...
One of the more enticing weapons you can acquire in recent Fallout versions is the fiery shishkebab. Debuting first in...
Famed astronomer Carl Sagan wanted to bring his expertise to the world of video games in the 1980s, a pitch...
With the industry of 3D printing literally soaring to astronomical heights, it was only a matter of time before some...
Researchers from China have reportedly turned out a new type of stealth material that is far more advanced than anything...
Imagine all the people paying tribute to John Lennon at once, and you won’t be far off from what will...
Strava athletes can now see their outdoor activities on satellite maps with beautiful, high-resolution imagery, OpenStreetMap data, and detailed elevation...
Isabelle et sa fille Annaëlle ont suivi la formation « Accompagnez votre enfant avec la carte heuristique » samedi 7 novembre 2015....
We’ve just released OpenGeo Suite 4.7.1, with a focus on bug fixes and routine stabilization. It’s now available for download...
Possible terrorist attacks in many different locations in Paris, France. from Planet GS via John Jason Fallows on Inoreader
New trending GIF tagged morning, spongebob squarepants, frustrated, squidward via Giphy
New trending GIF tagged food, the new yorker, christoph niemann via Giphy
Strava satellite maps November 13, 2015 at 06:33PM via Instapaper
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