The Senate is scheduled to vote October 26th, 2015 on S. 754 - Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2015Sponsor Sen....
Day: October 22, 2015
89-year-old Tony Bennett just released his 45th LP (The Silver Lining: The Songs of Jerome Kern), but the time-proof musical...
Cars don’t make for very good conversationalists, so you probably shouldn’t be talking to them while you’re driving. In fact, they’re...
If you’re inexplicably hypnotized by one-second videos played on loop ad nauseam, Instagram has a present for you, and it’s...
New trending GIF tagged love, rose, wink, chuck, flirting, in love, flirt, pigs, angry birds, toons, angrybirds, courtship via Giphy...
SVChewbacca's faceBy tallturtle82 (2015-10-22)You see it don't you? from Planet GS via John Jason Fallows on Inoreader
SVPeace.By tallturtle82 (2015-10-22)I found it here. from Planet GS via John Jason Fallows on Inoreader
Former Newchurch Railway StationBy Drudii (2015-10-22)Newchurch was a station on Isle of Wight. Even thought the line opened in 1875...